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Designed to Eradicate Mosquitos in Your Yard
What is a Mosquito System?
And why would I want one?
A mosquito misting system is an automated control system that produces a fine mist of dilute solution around your property a few times each day for only 30-45 seconds at a time. Installed by our trained experts these systems virtually disappear into your landscape. Coupled with our routine service and maintenance a misting system will last for years to come.
Because the systems are automated to run on a daily schedule, you can rest easy knowing your yard is protected from mosquitoes all season long. Beyond the automated treatments, each system comes with a handheld remote allowing you to run the system just minutes before stepping out into your yard for added peace of mind. You even get the option to connect the system to an app on your phone.

How do the systems work?
A MistAway system sprays a very fine mist of a dilute insecticide through a nozzle circuit that is installed around the perimeter of a backyard or other area where people want to spend time outdoors. The mist kills insects on contact – in the air or in landscaping where they harbor.
The active ingredient in the insecticides most used in our systems is comprised of chemicals called pyrethrins, which are derived from the extract of chrysanthemum daisies that are grown in East Africa and Tasmania in Australia.
The most common use of the systems is to control mosquitoes, but the materials used are known as “broad spectrum” insecticides, and they are also effective against other insects like gnats or no see ums, midges, flies, spiders, or wasps.
In a residential application, the system’s controller is typically timed to automatically spray a few times a day for 45 to 60 second durations. The mists are usually programmed for the times around dawn, dusk and in the evening when the mosquitoes are most active, and the homeowner wants to be outside. The systems are also equipped to mist on demand by pressing a button on a remote control.
How effective are the systems?
A research study in 2007, funded by the state of Florida, and conducted by entomologists at Florida A&M University, documented the effectiveness of the systems – by comparing mosquito counts in sites that had MistAway systems to counts in control sites that didn’t.
During the first few weeks of the study, it reported that “mean mosquito abundance in treated yards was lower compared with untreated yards, where reduction ranged from 71% to 98%.”
And following a drought during the middle of the study period, “. . . reduction ranged from about 62% to 91%, compared with yards without the systems.”
Is the mist safe for my family and pets?
Have you ever heard the expression “the danger is in the dose?” It basically means that any material can be harmful if someone is exposed to enough of it. Obviously, for humans, “enough of it” is different for water than for cyanide.
Since it depends on the dose, we can’t categorically state that pyrethrins or permethrin are safe in a misting systems, here is what we know and can say:
You’ll find them in a wide range of products around your home – in pet shampoos, flea sprays and household aerosols.
Pyrethrins and permethrin are among the least poisonous insecticides to mammals because they are readily broken down into inactive products and pass from the body.
In misting, the typical field concentration is very low – usually around 5 – 10 parts pyrethrin or permethrin per 10,000 parts mist.
In 2007, the US Environmental Protection Agency wrote on their webpage about misting, that they do not expect risks of concerns to humans when the formulations are used according to their label.
Having said that, you need to be careful when using pyrethrins in misting systems. People and pets should avoid the mist, and cycles should be programmed so that the units don’t mist while people are likely to be exposed.
Do you have a natural spray?
Yes! We have an insect repellent that contains zero chemical insecticides only contains essential oil insecticides for use in your barn, garden or residential misting system.
Do you have a spray that is safe for livestock?
We have a spray that is formulated to use on livestock. This synergized concentrate effectively controls a wide range of insect, including flies, mosquitoes, lice, ticks, mites, gnats and more. Diluted, this product is approved to spray directly on livestock, used on back rubberes and as a premise spray.